Molla Abdullah Al Mehdi

Molla Abdullah Al Mehdi was born on 31 December 1978 in Jugnidah village under Shahzadpur upazila of Sirajganj district. His father’s name is Molla Abdus Samad and mother’s name is Mrs. Anwara Samad. He is the 7th among eight brothers and sisters. Siblings are all highly educated. In personal life he is married. He has a daughter and a son. His wife’s name is Most Sonia Parvin. His daughter’s name is Jannatul Mawa Medha and his son’s name is Muhammad Sayan Mahdi.

His educational qualifications are Masters of Business Administration in Human Resource Management, Masters of Arts in Bengali and Chartered Accountancy course completed. Currently he is serving as Chairman at “Nirapod Agro Care”. Prior to this, he worked in various development organizations and semi government institution. Although everyone in the family worked in government and private jobs, he always tried to be an entrepreneur. That’s why he took the initiative several times at different times. He started a company called “Nirapod Agro Care” on March 29, 2022. He has an experience of 17 years in different sectors. Through this he wants to give all marginal farmers the opportunity to bring home the desired profit.

Apart from Nirapod Agro Care work, he does social development work. He established an organization called “Amar Jugnidah” to eliminate drugs and gambling From the village. He made a film named “Alor Poth” about his village against drugs and gambling. He also wrote some songs about his village. Its mission is to bring “Nirapod Agro Care” to everyone’s doorstep.